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Participate and get involved:
- Join the DRM Elimination Crew email list (discussion group).
- Boycott DRM and contribute to the DRM-free guide, and look for the DRM-free label when you download files.
- Review Amazon products as being DRM-encumbered or DRM-free.
- Embed some web graphics on your website or blog.
- Email Mozilla to let them know you oppose DRM in Firefox.
Go the extra mile:
- Create and distribute materials and flyers
- Become an organizer on the LibrePlanet wiki
Join a Campaign
- Promote the Readers' Bill of RIghts at your local library along with some of our printable materials.
Success! While many streaming media services still use DRM, all major record labels have abandoned using DRM for direct music downloads
Completed Campaigns
- Mail bricks to Nintendo — Success!
- A Letter to Warner Chairman Edgar Bronfman — Success!