July 9, 2017

Read about the success of the Day in our followup post.
All images CC BY.
Digital Restrictions Management. DRM. The software that comes bolted to your digital media and devices and tries to police your behavior. The major media companies are its masters, and they justify it as a necessary evil to prevent filesharing, calling it Digital Rights Management. But it does more than that, and worse than that. It gives its unaccountable owners power over our cars, medical devices, phones, computers, and more.
DRM must be abolished, for everyone's rights. Today, we're taking action so the vision of a world without DRM can become a reality.
Featured action: Tell Netflix to nix DRM on Original productions
See also: Community posts & limited-time discounts on DRM-free media
Through the creation of original work, Netflix can no longer hide behind the excuse that they only use DRM due to requirements from the film and television industries. Netflix needs to work for their subscribers, and their subscribers are mistreated by DRM. Please sign the petition below, insisting that Netflix respect the rights of its subscribers!
If you'd like to read more about the issue first, scroll past the letter.
To: Reed Hastings, Netflix Founder and CEO, and Officers and Directors of the Board
Please Drop DRM on Netflix Originals
Please drop DRM on Netflix Originals.
For years you've said Hollywood production companies and other studios have demanded videos be restricted with DRM before they can be streamed on Netflix. Now that you're producing a large volume of original movies and shows, no one is holding you back from releasing them DRM-free.
You have transformed how people engage with media, but now you need to think bigger. We believe you know that DRM is harmful, that it is simply not right to demand deep control over Netflix watchers' computers just because they might do something wrong.
We're asking you to make Netflix Originals available without DRM. We respect your creative efforts. Respect us by making it possible to enjoy these movies and shows without installing dangerous, restrictive, unethical software. Netflix fancies itself an innovative company. We can't have innovation without freedom, and we can't have freedom with DRM.
Sincerely, the undersigned
We won't share your information. See our privacy policy.
Why you should sign
DRM is the practice of imposing technological restrictions that control what users can do with digital media. This concentrates control over production and distribution of media, giving DRM peddlers the power to carry out massive digital book (or movie!) burnings and large scale surveillance over people's media viewing habits.
Why does Netflix have Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) on their original productions? In the past, they have excused their use of DRM by claiming that the film and television industries made them do it.
That was an unacceptable excuse to begin with, but now that they make their own movies and shows, it's also a blatant falsehood.
More on Netflix & their relationship to DRM
We have been urging people to cancel their Netflix subscriptions-- and not only because the videos are locked down with DRM.
Netflix was an early supporter of efforts to get DRM (via "Encrypted Media Extensions") into Web standards (along with companies like Microsoft, Google, Comcast, and even the BBC). Netflix's DRM requirements pushed Mozilla to add it Firefox. Subscriber fees have paid for this lobbying and activity.
DRM proponents talk about the security provided by DRM, but while it may "protect" video files by limiting your access to them, it also opens you up to risks. The Electronic Frontier Foundation rightly points out that "DRM creates a massive security hole by requiring users to give up some control of their own computers." This weakness in DRM is one example of the security threat it poses to your devices: by being easy to break, it is easy to break into and use to do things like taking advantage of backdoors DRM programs install in your devices.
Contrary to public statements that restrictive technologies like DRM are a requirement in obtaining a license, artists have asked Netflix to provide their work DRM-free. When cartoonist and animator Nina Paley asked them to stream her film "Sita Sings the Blues"DRM-free, they told her it wasn't possible with their electronic delivery system. They also refused to allow her to add a notice telling viewers where they could find and download the film.
In addition to Paley, Aziz Ansari, Jim Gaffigan, and Louis CK all sell DRM-free videos from their own sites. However, Netflix made their Netflix Specials come with DRM. We've been asking ourselves if they really required Netflix to add it in order to make and stream these videos.
We're always working to keep you informed about DRM. To learn more, read:
Community posts on DRM
- Take a Stand Against DRM by Julia Bluff for iFixit
- Would you like a copyright law that said “if Hollywood doesn’t like this law, they can use their own”? Well, you see…" by Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Swedish Pirate Party
- DRM is toxic to culture by Simon Phipps
- New Research Estimates Value of Removing DRM Locks by Cory Doctorow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Post about DRM and the right to repair by
- "On DRM" by StoryBundle
- A Hidden Threat to Free Expression: DRM, guest post for Free Press by Day Against DRM organizer Zak Rogoff
- Tearing Acid, a poem about DRM
Posts in Italian
- ADI aderisce all'International Day Against DRM
- Conferenza del Dott. Richard M. Stallman a Genova il 9 Luglio 2017
- Richard Stallman a Genova il 9 luglio per affermare i diritti digitali nella Giornata internazionale contro la Gestione delle Restrizioni Digitali (DRM)
If you write or find a post that isn't listed here, please email it to to be considered for this page.
Time-limited deals on DRM-free media and merchandise
- StoryBundle would have a sale, but all their books are pay-what-you-want already!
- 50% off for six months on online ebook storage from Libreture.
- 50% off ebooks and 80% off videos from Packt.
- 40% off books from The Pragmatic Bookshelf using promotion code DRMFREE.
- For July 9 only: 50% off ebooks from No Starch Press using the promotion code RIGHT2READ.
- For July 9 only: 20% off our "DRM: No one admitted" shirt with coupon code DRM2017.