Highlights from the 2011 Day Against DRM

This year's Day Against DRM on May 4th was an overall success. Thanks to all of you who participated! Some of the highlights include:

14 blog posts in 4 languages — it was especially nice to see our friends over at Creative Commons joining us in the celebration.

Events in Italy and Portugal — read our interview with Marcos Marado to find out about all of the cool things that took place in Portugal.

Three news articles — with a long article by Katherine Noyes over at PCWorld, entitled It's Time to Give Digital [Restrictions] Management the Boot.

Radio show — When the Italian group went to add themselves to the list of events happening on the 2011 Day Against DRM wiki page, they saw that the Portugal group was doing some cool things, so, they decided to contact them to be on a radio show they were hosting. The MozillaBrothers radio show interviewed Rui Seabra from Portugal; you can find the interview (in English) on the Internet Archive.

In addition to the actions we've highlighted above, there was also a lot of microblogging on Identi.ca, tagging products as ''Defective by Design'' on Amazon, as well as the myriad conversations people had all over the world, introducing many more people to the dangers of DRM.

We are definitely looking forward to next year, and we hope you are too! Sign-up now to the 2012 Day Against DRM mailing list.