35 Days Against DRM — Anti-DRM actions

We'd like to get a physical presence on your local main street and outside major DRM retailers -- activists from all over the world, coming together to inform citizens of the dangers of DRM. We will have leaflets and signs that you can print, use and distribute. Encourage your local free software user group, chapter of Students for Free Culture and other anti-DRM activists to join you. We will post your event on DefectiveByDesign and others can sign-up to join you.

One product we'll be highlighting with this effort is the Sony Reader and DRM encumbered e-books -- unlike the Amazon Kindle (aka the Swindle), which is only sold online, the Sony Reader (or Shredder, as we're calling it in honor of what it does to books) is available from most major retailers.

To get started:

  • Pick a target in your area: Borders, Target, Apple, etc
  • Pick a date and a time for your Anti-DRM action -- anywhere between December 10th and December 24th 2008. A few hours during a busy time will be best.
  • Add the details of your event

You'll create an event on our website, and you can contact groups in your area and encourage them to attend. We'll help you out by contacting anybody we know in the area too.

Every day, we'll publish a list of events going on that day on our website.

If you're in Boston, come take part in our own Anti-DRM action at the Borders store on School St near the FSF offices at Downtown Crossing. We're hoping to have a Anti-DRM presence throughout the holiday season, so please sign up... we'll be providing hot cider, cocoa and cookies. Yum.