How to use the Label

The DRM-free label indicates that all files provided by the supplier come free of Digital Restrictions Management and do not require any restrictive technologies. The DRM-free label says that the files and downloads that it is displayed with are free of technology that controls what the users can do with the digital media and devices they own. Using the label helps create a unified graphic indication that quickly conveys a specific value for users.

Can our site use the label?

We do not evaluate sites that use this button nor does it indicate or require endorsement by Defective by Design, so you are free to apply it if your files are DRM-free. Using this button does not automatically entitle you to a listing in the Guide to DRM-free Living, but please go to the guide to learn how to suggest an addition.

Optionally, contact us to let us know that you've started using the label, and we may end up giving you a shout out of appreciation! If you need help deciding whether you can appropriately use the label or if you need help going DRM-free, please email us at and we will be happy to work with you.

Where should we place the label?

It's up to you! We recommend placing the label on the download pages or near the download links to your DRM-free files. It may also be beneficial to have a paragraph about offering DRM-free files on your site's home page such as O'Reilly Ebooks and The Pragmatic Bookshelf, or on your site's about page, such as Momentum Books and Magnatune.

Great, let me have it!

The DRM-free Labels are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You can download the Inkscape SVG or GNU Image Manipulation Program XCF source files to translate or remix them (Source Sans Pro font not included):

Plain Dropshadow Inverted

Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Source SVG

Source XCF

Source SVG


Please email us at if you would like to contribute a translated version of the logo.

Text only and custom graphics

If you prefer to use your own graphics, or even just a line of text such as "We oppose DRM", feel free to link to the DRM-free page to do so.